

来源: 作者:发稿时间:2019-05-23 08:58浏览次数:



课程名称:Spatial Analysis 空间分析

主讲老师: 马建国 马建国博士是马里兰大学地理科学系负责地理空间科学硕士项目的主任。于康奈尔大学获得生物与环境工程的博士学位。自2008年以来,教学和研究方向主要集中在空间分析,GIS建模,空间数据库,网络GIS开发,以及GIS在可再生能源及持续化发展中的应用。

助教:刘福江 13871188006


6月10日 上午8:00-12:00

6月11日 上午8:00-12:00

6月12日 上午8:00-12:00

6月13日 下午8:00-12:00

6月14日 上午8:00-12:00


要求:自带笔记本电脑,安装ArcGIS Pro (每个组提供一个授权), ArcGIS Online


First, the topic of this lecture is Spatial Analysis. I will introduce the analysis and processing of data from zero dimensions to one, two, and three dimensions, that is, analysis of points, lines, networks, polygons, polygons, and 3D data.

Secondly, all the courseware, such as PPT and homework exercises, are all in English. Chinese and English are mixed during the lecture. In order to ensure that students can understand, the concept introduction may be mainly in Chinese, but the professional vocabulary is in English. I will introduce conceptual theory or formulas at the beginning of each lesson, and then spend more time on the live demonstration with software. Finally, the students practiced with the software themselves. I will provide the data used in the exercise. This course emphasizes actual software demonstrations and exercises.

Below is the list of the tentative topics.

•      Day1  Overview, Introduction for MSGIS Program, Spatial Analysis and ArcGIS, and Demonstration and Examples

•      Day2 Geoprocessing Operations, ModelBuilder, Point Pattern Analysis, and Demonstration and Examples

•      Day3  Network Analysis, Areal Analysis, and Demonstration and Examples

•      Day4  Surface Analysis, 3D Visualization and Analysis,3D in ArcGIS Pro, Business Analyst Online, and Demonstration and Examples

The following books are used as references.

•  Fischer, M. M., Spatial Analysis and GeoComputation, Springer.

•  Fischer, M. M., Wang, J., Spatial Data Analysis



